I have heard so much in the news lately about the Dukan Diet. The thought of losing some weight quickly was really appealing to me. I decide to give it a try for 30 days. I didn't know if this eating plan would actually work for me but I thought what do I have to lose (besides weight). I am now three weeks into it and I thought I would start keeping track of what I am doing daily so I would know what is working and what isn't.
Week 1: I was surprised that I didn't have any trouble starting this diet like I do with so many. It was actually quite easy for me. I didn't have the sugar withdrawal that I was expecting or anything. I think God must have wanted to bless me and encourage me. I did not exercise like I was supposed to. I am amazed that during the first week on the Attack phase I lost 11 lbs. Praise the Lord!!
Week 2: This week was more difficult I only lost 3 lbs. I had lost 4 than on the last day I was up a lb. It is ironic that I was up a lb. the day after I went on a bike ride. That itself was a challenge. The last time I had been on a bike was 16 years ago. I rode in the backwoods so I wouldn't be seen. I survived but my backside didn't!! That week I also felt very tired all week.
Week 3: I have discovered this week that the reason I am feeling sluggish is that my blood pressure is too low for me. (93 over 65) I am on two blood pressure medicines. Well four days ago I decided to try using only one. My blood pressure is in the normal range still and I feel better and have more energy than I have had in years!!! This diet is wonderful for lowering my blood pressure. I lost 3 again this week. That brings my total for 3 weeks to 17 lbs. That is absolutely amazing for me!! Anytime I have been on a diet it takes forever for the weight to come off. In fact, I usually have to drop to about 600 calories to make it work. With this diet I have been very satisfied and haven't had a problem when temptations have come my way. At the end of week 3 I am at 284.3 lbs.
Now that I have this blog started I hope to post daily on my ups and hopefully mostly downs so I can see what is working and what isn't. I also need to come up with an exercise plan.